Minutes of January 28, 2019 meeting
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Bates at 7:04 pm.
- Roll Call by clerk Connie Duke. Council member Matthew Blair absent, all other council members present.
- Mayor asked for public comments. There were none.
- Approved minutes of December 17, 2018 meeting. Motion by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Jimbo Quick. Passed 5-0.
- Motion made to table annexation due to insufficient number of members present eligible to vote for passage. Motion made by Jimbo Quick, 2nd by Donald Gunter.
- Mayor asked for roll call vote. Mayor Bates – Abstain, Donald Gunter – Yes, Jimbo Quick – Yes, Matthew Blair – Absent, Don Bates – Abstain, Bud Reed – Yes. Passed 3-0.
- Mayor gave report on current bank balances.
- Mayor gave report on revenue and expenses for fiscal year so far and detailed quarterly report.
- Mayor gave report on road maintenance and other longterm projects.
- Mayor asked for ideas/discussion on office building.
Councilman Quick presented ideas for discussion about renting existing building or if any buildings in the town boundary were available for rent. - Mayor asked for permission to renegotiate contract for Community Center rental to coincide with Community Center Trustees annual meeting. Motion by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 5-0.
- Mayor asked to adjust February 18th meeting to February 25th due to holiday. Motion by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 5-0.
- Mayor presented invoices and payroll for payment including payroll taxes not to exceed $400.00. Motion by Jimbo Quick, 2nd by Donald Gunter. Passed 5-0.
- Mayor reminded council of ethics filing forms are due.
- Mayor asked if any other business. There was none.
- Motion to adjourn by Don Bates, 2nd by Donald Gunter. Passed 5-0.
- Adjourned at 7:37pm.
- Next meeting will be February 25, 2019.