June 17, 2019
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates at 7:00 pm.
- Roll Call by Clerk Connie Duke. All council members present.
- Mayor asked for public comments. There were none.
Approved Minutes of May 20th. Motion by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 6-0. - Approved minutes of June 3rd Special Meeting. Motion by Jimbo Quick, 2nd by Donald Gunter. Passed 6-0.
- Mayor updated Council on property purchase. Waiting on Title Company.
- Mayor presented annexation request from Mark Lovelady.
Motion by Jimbo Quick to suspend rules and vote on Lovelady request. Motion 2nd by Mathew Blair. Passed 6-0. - Motion to accept Lovelady annexation by Don Bates, 2nd by Donald Gunter. Passed 6-0.
- Mayor presented annexation request from Ralph Laney.
Motion by Donald Gunter to suspend rules and vote on Laney request. Motion 2nd by Don Bates. Passed 6-0. - Motion to accept Laney annexation by Jimbo Quick, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 6-0.
- Approved invoices and payroll. Motion by Bud Reed, 2nd by Jimbo Quick. Passed 6-0.
- Mayor advised the Council renewal of insurance for the town is due in October.
- Mayor updated council on streetlight at Dollar General entrance. Will require a transformer, light will cost approximately $33.00 per month and engineer stated that brush removal would help with lighting.
Dollar General will try to get brush removed. - Motion to have light installed by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 6-0.
- Discussed Container office for temporary Clerks office. Rent would be approximately $130.00 per month or $9,800 to purchase.
- Motion to adjourn by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed.
- Adjourned at 7:29pm.
- Next Meeting July 15, 2019