December 21, 2020
Regular Meeting
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates on Monday, December 21, 2020 at 7:00 P.M.
- Roll call by Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery. All members present.
- Mayor Patrick Bates asked for any public comments, there were none.
- Council discussed ideas for remaining CARES ACT funds. Council approved $1,800/per school for additional COVID-19 supplies for Welti, Fairview, & Holly Pond Elementary Schools. Motion to approve by Jimbo Quick, second by Keith Hardman. Approved 6-0.
- Mayor Patrick Bates informed Council that the Farmers Market sign has been put in place at the Farmers Market location.
- Council discussed options for Farmers Market building. Tabled until next meeting.
- Mayor Patrick Bates informed Council that community COVID-19 bags have been delivered to all town citizens with a special thanks to Councilman Keith Hardman for delivering bags.
- Council made motion to abandon the towns tornado siren due to recent lightning strike which left the tornado siren in need of $9,000-$20,000 in repairs. Motion to approve by Bruce Bentley, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
- Council made motion to discontinue services with Wisner Solutions for the cleaning of the Town Hall and Community Center. Motion by Jimbo Quick, second by Keith Hardman. Approved 6-0.
- Council discussed the rent of Berlin Community Center. Council will rent Berlin Community Center as needed for meetings for the cost of $75.00/day due to COVID-19.
- Mayor Patrick Bates presented quote from Cullman County Road Department for $5,348 to improve drainage infrastructure in the right-of-way at Hwy 278 and CR 747. Motion to approve by Don Bates, second by Donald Gunter. Mayor Patrick Bates asked for Roll-Call Vote; Mayor Patrick Bates-Yes, Donald Gunter-Yes, Jimbo Quick-Yes, Bruce Bentley-Abstain, Don Bates-Yes, Keith Hardman-Yes. Approved 5-0.
- Approval of minutes from November 16, 2020 Regular Meeting & November 23, 2020 Special Meeting. Motion to approve by Donald Gunter, second by Jimbo Quick. Approved 6-0.
- Approval of December invoices. Motion to approve by Donald Gunter, second by Bruce Bentley. Approved 6-0.
- In other business, Mayor Patrick Bates informed Council that the Town is well above projected revenue for fiscal year 2021.
- Mayor Patrick Bates asked council to consider a one-time supplemental for town employees in the amount of $400.00. Motion to approve by Keith Hardman, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
- Motion to adjourn by Keith Hardman, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
- Adjourned at 8:23 PM.
- The next meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be January 18, 2021 at the Berlin Community Center at 7PM.