
January 04,2021

Special Meeting

  • Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates on Monday, January 04,2021 at 7:00 P.M.
  • Roll call by Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery. All members present.
  • Mayor Patrick Bates asked for any public comments, there were none.
  • Council discussed severe weather alerts. Council made motion to donate $6,225 to the Berlin Fire Department for the purchase of 250 Midland WR120 Weather Alert Radios to be distributed to the Berlin precinct. Motion to approve by Donald Gunter, second by Bruce Bentley. Approved 6-0.
  • Council made motion to accept bid from AGCOR Steel LLC in the amount not to exceed $27,000 for the purchase of Farmers Market building and installation to be completed by the end of February 2021. Motion to approve by Jimbo Quick, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
  • Motion to adjourn by Keith Hardman, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
  • Adjourned at 7:23 PM.
  • The next meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be January 18, 2021 at the Berlin Community Center at 7PM.
Categories: MINUTES