July 17, 2023
Regular Meeting
The Town Council of the Town of Berlin met in regular session on this date and time following publication and posting pursuant to Alabama law.
In compliance with State Bid Law Section 41-4-132, Code of Alabama, Bids for B2023-003-COMMUNITY STORM SHELTER were opened publicly at 6:45 PM by Mayor Patrick Bates at the Berlin Town Hall.
Bids received: RemainSafe = $197,770
Torshel Storm Shelters and Saferooms = $148, 970
Aqua Marine Enterprise, Inc. = $123,500
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates on Monday, July 17, 2023, at 7:00 P.M. at the Berlin Town Hall.
- Invocation – Councilman James Sanford.
- Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Patrick Bates.
- Roll call by Town Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery. Councilman Donald Gunter, not present.
- Mayor Patrick Bates asked for public comments. There were none.
- Approval of Minutes from June 19, 2023, Regular Meeting. Motion to approve Minutes from June 19, 2023, Regular Meeting made by Councilman James Sanford. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 5-0.
- Council discussed B2023-003-COMMUNITY STORM SHELTER. Motion to approve bid received from Aqua Marine Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $123,500 + cost for plumbed restroom pending confirmation that Aqua Marine Enterprises, Inc. is a responsible bidder made by Councilman Keith Hardman. Second made by Councilman James Sanford.
- Mayor Patrick Bates presented RESOLUTION NO. 2023-005 RESOLUTION ADOPTING TRANSPORTATION PLAN PURSUANT TO THE REBUILD ALABAMA ACT to Council. Councilman James Sanford made motion to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2023-005 RESOLUTION ADOPTING TRANSPORTATION PLAN PURSUANT TO THE REBUILD ALABAMA ACT. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 5-0.
- Mayor Patrick Bates informed Council that due to the estimate from St. John & Associates, the Town of Berlin would not be applying for the ARPA Flood Control Grant.
- Council discussed Sweet Grown Alabama Day set for July 22, 2023.
- Council discussed Park & Recreation.
- Mayor Patrick Bates provided Council drafts of FY2024 Fund Budgets.
- Motion to adjourn made by Councilman James Sanford. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 5-0.
- Adjourned at 7:37 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be August 21, 2023, at the Berlin Town Hall at 7:00 PM.