The Town Council of the Town of Berlin met in Regular Session on this date and time following publication and posting pursuant to Alabama law.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at the Berlin Town Hall.
Invocation – Councilman Donald Gunter.
Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Patrick Bates.
Roll Call – Town Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery
Mayor – Patrick E. Bates – Present
Council Member Place # 1 – Donald Gunter – Present
Council Member Place # 2 – James Sanford – Present
Council Member Place # 3 – Tony Duke – Present
Council Member Place # 4 – Eudon Bates – Present
Council Member Place # 5 – Keith Hardman – Present
Public Comments – There were none.
- Councilman Tony Duke made motion to approve the Minutes from the January 20, 2025, Regular Meeting. Second made by Councilman Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
- Mayor Bates informed Council that the Public Hearing regarding Request to Vacate from Bobby and Sherrie Hill will be postponed to the March 2025 Regular Meeting.
- Mayor Patrick Bates asked for Unanimous Consent to waive the full reading of Ordinance # 2025-001 Establishing the Monthly Salary of the Mayor and Councilmembers. There were no objections.
- Motion to approve Ordinance # 2025-001 Establishing the Monthly Salary of the Mayor and Councilmembers made by Councilman James Sanford. Second made by Councilman Donald Gunter. Roll-Call Vote: Mayor Patrick Bates-Yes, Councilman Donald Gunter-Yes, Councilman James Sanford-Yes, Councilman Tony Duke-Yes, Councilman Don Bates-Yes, Councilman Keith Hardman-Yes. Approved 6-0.
- Mayor Patrick Bates asked for Unanimous Consent to waive the full reading of Ordinance # 2025-002 An Ordinance of General and Permanent Nature Establishing the Use of Electronic Vote Counting Devices. There were no objections.
- Councilman Donald Gunter made motion to approve Ordinance # 2025-002 An Ordinance of General and Permanent Nature Establishing the Use of Electronic Vote Counting Devices. Second made by Councilman Keith Hardman. Roll-Call Vote: Mayor Patrick Bates-Yes, Councilman Donald Gunter-Yes, Councilman James Sanford-Yes, Councilman Tony Duke-Yes, Councilman Don Bates-Yes, Councilman Keith Hardman-Yes. Approved 6-0.
- Mayor Patrick Bates asked for Unanimous Consent to waive the full reading of Resolution # 2025-001 A Resolution Providing the Election of Municipal Officers. There were no objections.
- Councilman James Sanford made motion to approve Resolution # 2025-001 A Resolution Providing the Election of Municipal Officers. Second made by Councilman Keith Hardman. Roll-Call Vote: Mayor Patrick Bates-Yes, Councilman Donald Gunter-Yes, Councilman James Sanford-Yes, Councilman Tony Duke-Yes, Councilman Don Bates-Yes, Councilman Keith Hardman-Yes. Approved 6-0.
- Councilman James Sanford made motion to approve Resolution # 2025-002 A Resolution to Award Bid for the Construction of Farmers Market Site Development. Second made by Councilman Keith Hardman. Roll-Call Vote: Mayor Patrick Bates-Yes, Councilman Donald Gunter-Yes, Councilman James Sanford-Yes, Councilman Tony Duke-Yes, Councilman Don Bates-Yes, Councilman Keith Hardman-Yes. Approved 6-0.
- Mayor Bates informed Council that the Town of Berlin’s FY2025 Rebuild Alabama Application has been submitted.
- Councilman Keith Hardman made motion to redistribute $25,000 from FY2025 Road Budget and to allocate $10,000 from Road Budget to County Roads 1612 and 1614 project and $15,000 to Road Patching and Resurfacing as well as to approve quote from GradeTech, LLC in the amount of $9,735 for additional rock on County Roads 1612 and 1614. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 6-0.
- In other Business, Councilman Keith Hardman made motion to temporarily close County Road 1611 across Pole Cat Creek due to damage. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 6-0.
- Motion to adjourn made by Councilman Donald Gunter. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 6-0.
The Town Council of the Town of Berlin adjourned at 7:31 PM.
The next Regular Meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be held March 17, 2025, at the Berlin Town Hall at 7:00 PM.