Minutes of October meeting
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates at 7:00 PM on Mon. Oct 15th.
Roll call by clerk Connie Duke, all council members present. - Mayor asked for Public comments. There were none.
- Approval of minutes from September meeting. Motion to approve by Donald Gunter, second by Jimbo Quick. Passed 6-0.
Mayor presented budget proposal. - Discussion of line items for street lights and Fire department.
Mayor asked for motion for amended Budget, Motion by Donald Gunter, second by Don Bates. Passed 6-0. - Mayor gave update on annexation request. Attorney General opinion is to get signatures of spouses as well. Motion to table request by Jimbo Quick, second by Donald Gunter.
- Mayor called for roll call vote to table annexation. Mayor Bates – abstain, Jimbo Quick- yes, Don Bates – abstain, Donald Gunter – yes, Matthew Blair – yes, Bud Reed – yes. Passed 4 -0 with 2 abstaining.
- Mayor reported receipt of sales tax payment of $14,853.09.
- Mayor presented quote for liability insurance from AMIC of $1,698.00 for one year and $1,664.00 for three years. Motion by Matthew Blair and second by Donald Gunter to pay for three years. Passed 6-0.
- Mayor presented invoices for month of October. Motion to pay invoices by Bud Reed, second by Jimbo Quick. Passed 6-0.
- Mayor updated that the traffic light at US Hwy 278 and County Road 747 will become the responsibility of the Town on May 1, 2020.
- Discussed possibility of insurance for traffic light.
Motion to adjourn by Donald Gunter, second by Bud Reed. Passed 6-0.