November 25,2019
Special Meeting
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Bates at 7:00 p.m.
- Roll call by Clerk Connie Duke. All Council members present.
- Mayor asked for public comments, there were none.
- Approved minutes of November 18, 2019
- Resumes for position of Town Clerk submitted by 3 applicants: Erin Fowler, Baylee Chrietzberg, Keirstyn Maxwell/Montgomery.
- Motion for executive session for the purpose of the good name and character of applicants by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed.
- Executive session called to order at 7:30 p.m.
- Mayor asked for roll call vote: Mayor Bates-abstain, Jimbo Quick-yes, Matthew Blair-yes, Donald Gunter-yes, Bud Reed-yes, Don Bates-no. Passes 4-2.
- Motion to hire Keirstyn Maxwell by Jimbo Quick, 2nd by Bud Reed. Mayor Bates abstained. Passes 4-2.
- Motion to retain Connie Duke on payroll until December meeting by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passes 6-0.
- Motion to adjourn by Matthew Blair, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 6-0.
- Adjourned at 7:42pm.
- Next meeting December 16, 2019.