February 21, 2022
Regular Meeting
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates on Monday, February 21, at 7:00 P.M. at the Berlin Town Hall.
- Invocation – Councilman Donald Gunter.
- Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Patrick Bates.
- Roll call by Town Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery. All members present.
- Mayor Patrick Bates asked for public comments. There were none.
- Approval of minutes from January 2022, Regular Meeting. Motion to approve made by Councilman Donald Gunter, second made by Councilman James Sanford. Approved 6-0.
- Mayor Patrick Bates presented the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 2022-001 AWARD FOR BUSH HOGGING/MOWING; RESOLUTION NO. 2022-002; RESOLUTION NO. 2022-003
- Motion to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2022-001 AWARD FOR BUSH HOGGING/MOWING, RESOLUTION NO. 2022-002, RESOLUTION NO. 2022-003 made by James Sanford. Second made by Tony Duke. Approved 6-0.
- Council discussed invoice and payroll advice from auditor Jeremy Jeffreys.
- Councilman James Sanford made motion to purchase an outdoor bulletin board for Town Hall from Uline under state bid contract in the amount of $794.81. Seconded by Councilman Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
- In other business, Council discussed implementation of business licenses.
- Mayor Patrick Bates gave storm shelter grant update.
- Council discussed Park & Recreation ideas.
- Council discussed purchasing a second computer for Town Hall from State Bid List.
- Adjourned at 7:29 PM.
- The next meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be March 21, 2022, at the Berlin Town Hall at 7:00 PM.