
June 29, 2020

Special Meeting

  • Meeting called to order by Mayor Bates on Monday, June 29, 2020 at 7:00 P.M.
  • Roll call by Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery. Bruce Bentley, not present.
  • Mayor Bates called for any public comments, Fire Chief Ralph Laney reported they had a good turnout at Census Event/Fire Department Anniversary serving approximately 100 plates of BBQ.
  • Approval of minutes from June 15, 2020 Regular Meeting. Motion to approve by Donald Gunter, second by Bud Reed. Approved 5-0.
  • Approval of July invoices. Motion to approve by Donald Gunter, second by Jimbo Quick. Approved 5-0.
  • Council discussed Farmers Market lot size. There will be 8 – 10×12 lots available and canopies will be welcome.
  • Council made motion to purchase tokens to be used for SNAP purchases at Farmers Market from Custom Imprints in the amount not to exceed $110.00. Motion by Jimbo Quick, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 5-0.
  • Council made motion to reject grant from Alabama’s Mountains, Rivers, and Valley’s Council for Town Hall Steps and restart the project due to the cost running twice what was expected. Motion to approve by Donald Gunter, second by Jimbo Quick. Approved 5-0.
  • Mayor Bates asked permission to purchase office equipment for Town Hall from Wal-Mart, Ubiquiti, Best Buy, and Amazon in the amount of $1,819.64. Motion by Don Bates, second by Jimbo Quick. Approved 5-0.
  • Council discussed Town Hall driveways.
  • Mayor Bates asked permission to reimburse the Fire Department for ½ of the food expenses for the Census Event/Fire Department Anniversary Celebration in the amount of $770. Motion by Jimbo Quick, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 5-0.
  • Mayor Bates asked permission for Town Clerk to make purchases from Office Max in the amount not to exceed $100 for office supply. Motion by Donald Gunter, second by Bud Reed. Approved 5-0.
  • Mayor Bates presented Ordinance NO.: 2020-004 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF BERLIN, ALABAMA PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF 11-42-21, CODE OF ALABAMA 1975. Motion to suspend rules and vote immediately. Motion by Bud Reed, second by Jimbo Quick. Mayor Bates asked for Roll Call Vote: Mayor Bates-Yes, Donald Gunter-Yes, Jimbo Quick-Yes, Don Bates-Yes, Bud Reed-Yes. Approved 5-0
  • Mayor Bates asked for motion to approve Ordinance NO.: 2020-004 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF BERLIN, ALABAMA PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF 11-42-21, CODE OF ALABAMA 1975. Mayor asked for Roll Call Vote: Mayor Bates-Yes, Donald Gunter-Yes, Jimbo Quick-Yes, Don Bates-Yes, Bud Reed-Yes. Approved 5-0.
  • Mayor Bates presented council with quotes for pest control services at Town Hall.
  • Council made motion to hire Cook’s Pest Control in the amount of $70 initial and $35 monthly. Motion by Jimbo Quick, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 5-0.
  • Mayor Bates asked permission from Council to appoint Town Clerk, Keirstyn Montgomery to handle Voters List for elections. Motion by Don Bates, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 5-0.
  • Mayor Bates reported to Council that the Town of Berlin has received access to $46,714.86 from The Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) for purchases related to COVID-19.
  • In other business, Mayor Bates reported to Council that Toney Elrod has started septic installation at the Town Hall.
  • Council discussed meeting dates for July. Regular Meeting of the Town of Berlin will be on July 13, 2020 and the Town of Berlin will hold a Special Meeting on July 27, 2020 both to be located at the Berlin Community Center at 7PM.
  • Motion to adjourn by Don Bates, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 5-0.
  • Adjourned at 7:47 PM.
  • The next meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be July 13, 2020 at 7PM at the Berlin Community Center.
Categories: MINUTES