
August 17, 2020

Regular Meeting

  • Meeting called to order by Mayor Bates on Monday, August 17, 2020 at 7:01 P.M.
  • Roll call by Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery. All Council members present.
  • Mayor asked for any public comments, there were none.
  • Approval of minutes from July 27, 2020 Special Meeting. Motion to approve by Donald Gunter, second by Jimbo Quick. Approved 5-0.
  • Approval of August invoices & payroll. Motion by Don Bates, second by Jimbo Quick. Approved 5-0.
  • Council discussed one person; Keith Hardman qualified for Councilmember Place 5. Mayor Bates recommended that Keith Hardman fill Councilmember Place 5 early to finish Mr. Reed’s term before starting his term in November.
  • Mayor Bates asked permission to immediately induct Keith Hardman to Councilmember Place 5. Motion by Don Bates, second by Bruce Bentley. Mayor asked for Roll Call Vote: Mayor Bates-Yes, Donald Gunter-Yes, Jimbo Quick-Yes, Bruce Bentley-Yes, Don Bates-Yes. Approved 5-0.
  • Councilmember Place 5, Keith Hardman was sworn in by Clerk, Keirstyn Montgomery.
  • Mayor Bates asked Council for suggestions on use of CARES ACT funds to be discussed at the next town meeting. Mayor Bates made suggestion for creating Wi-Fi hotspot for children in the community.
  • Mayor Bates discussed applying for Appalachian Regional Commission Grant which may cover 50% of funding for an awning or building at the Farmers Market location. Mayor Bates stated that he would be looking into additional grants to cover remaining costs of project.
  • Mayor Bates presented a new draft for handicap accessibility and steps for Town Hall. Council will be looking over proposals.
  • Council discussed quotes for storage container from Mobile Mini & Decatur Container to be used as storage at Town Hall. Council made motion to purchase container from Decatur Container in the amount of $2,485.00.  Motion by Jimbo Quick, second by Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
  • Council discussed purchasing fire extinguisher for Town hall. Tabled for next meeting.
  • Council will be looking for quotes and designs for the Farmers Market sign.
  • Mayor Bates asked permission to purchase Quick Books for Clerk in the amount of $35.00/monthly. Motion by Bruce Bentley, second by Keith Hardman. Approved 6-0.
  • In Other Business, Mayor Bates asked permission to upgrade technology at Town Hall including router and video recorder in the amount of $2,003.00 form CDW-G, Amazon, & Ubiquiti and seek reimbursement from CARES ACT. Motion by Donald Gunter, second by Keith Hardman. Approved 6-0.
  • Council discussed proposed 2021 budget.
  • Council will move amount allocated for elections in 2020 budget to Town Hall & Farmers Market set up due to no elections being held.
  • Council discussed Rebuild Alabama funds for 2021 fiscal year. Council announced funds will be used to chip seal repaving on County Road 1600 as 2021 Road Project.
  • Motion to adjourn by Don Bates, second by Jimbo Quick. Approved 6-0.
  • Adjourned at 7:52 PM.
  • The next meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be September 21, 2020 at the Berlin Community Center.
Categories: MINUTES