
April 18, 2022

Regular Meeting

  • Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates on Monday, April 18, 2022, at  7:00 P.M. at the Berlin Town Hall.
  • Invocation – Councilman Donald Gunter.
  • Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Patrick Bates.
  • Roll call by Town Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery. All members present.
  • Mayor Patrick Bates asked for public comments. Richard Neese, representing property owner Silvia Nino, presented council with plat map for Berlin Acres located on County Road 1615. Berlin Acres is 4 homes on approximately .40 acre lots.
  • Councilman James Sanford made motion to set public hearing at the next regular council meeting on May 16, 2022, located at the Berlin Community Center. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 6-0.
  • Approval of minutes from March 21, 2022, Regular Meeting. Motion to approve made by Councilman Donald Gunter, second made by Councilman James Sanford. Approved 6-0.
  • Mayor Patrick Bates presented Public Request Policy to Council. Council will have formal review at next Regular Meeting.
  • Council discussed quotes for a portable restroom to be located at the Berlin Farmers Market during market season. Councilman Tony Duke made motion to hire A Plus Portable Restrooms in the amount of $90 every 4 weeks during market season. Second made by Councilman Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
  • Council discussed playground equipment approved by town insurance (AMIC).
  • Councilman James Sanford made motion to apply for FY2023 Alabama’s Mountains, Rivers, and Valley’s RC&D Council grant for playground equipment. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 6-0.
  • Council discussed topsoil located on the Berlin Farmers Market property. Councilman James Sanford made motion to surplus topsoil. Second made by Councilman Donald Gunter. Approved 6-0.
  • Council discussed Business License Ordinance.
  • Mayor Patrick Bates informed Council that the owner of 278 Rock Grocery will be donating free drinks and pizza for opening day of the Berlin Farmers Market.
  • In Other Business: Mayor Patrick Bates discussed drainage ditch located at County Road 747 & Berlin Hardware. Mayor Patrick Bates informed Council that the Cullman Industrial Development Board has stated that they will grant $5,000 if CCCDC will award grant up to $12,000 for project. Total projected expenses range from $20,000-$27,000. Council discussed town paying for additional expenses due to critical infrastructure. Councilman Tony Duke made motion to set 772 Public Hearing to discuss at the next Regular Meeting on May 16, 2022, located at the Berlin Community Center.
  • Adjourned at 7:38 PM.
  • The next meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be May 16, 2022, at the Berlin Community Center at 7:00 PM.
Categories: MINUTES