June 19, 2023
Regular Meeting
The Town Council of the Town of Berlin met in regular session on this date and time following publication and posting pursuant to Alabama law.
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Patrick Bates on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 7:00 P.M. at the Berlin Town Hall.
- Invocation – Councilman James Sanford.
- Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Patrick Bates.
- Roll call by Town Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery. Councilman Donald Gunter, not present.
- Mayor Patrick Bates asked for public comments. There were none.
- Approval of minutes from May 15, 2023, Regular Meeting & June 02, 2023, Special Meeting. Motion to approve minutes made by Councilman James Sanford. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 5-0.
- Mayor Patrick Bates presented B2023-003-COMMUNITY STORM SHELTER. Motion to receive bids for B2023-003-COMMUNITY STORM SHELTER made by Councilman James Sanford. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 5-0.
- Council discussed Sweet Grown Alabama Day set for July 22, 2023.
- Council discussed Park & Recreation. Motion by Councilman Keith Hardman to receive proposals from
- St. John & Associates for design. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 5-0.
- Motion to adjourn made by Councilman James Sanford. Second made by Councilman Tony Duke. Approved 5-0.
- Adjourned at 7:23 PM. The next meeting of the Berlin Town Council will be July 17, 2023, at the Berlin Town Hall at 7:00 PM.