November 18, 2019
- Meeting called to order by Mayor Bates at 7:00 pm.
- Roll Call by clerk Connie Duke. All council members present.
- Mayor asked for public comments: Phillip Widner running for Cullman County Commission Chairman introduced himself. He spoke about having a good working relationship with the Towns and offered his help if needed.
- No applicants for Town Clerk present. Position posted 2 weeks prior and no response.
- Approved minutes of October 21, 2019. Motion by Jimbo Quick, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 6-0.
- Mayor presented estimate from Conn Surveying for TOPO at $4,000.00. Motion by Donald Gunter to accept, 2nd by Matthew Blair. Passed 6-0.
- Discussed Farmers Market location. If site work more than 1 acre will need ADEM permit. Mayor to get an estimate for less than an acre. Council committed to having market ready for upcoming season.
- Mayor presented Ordinance #7 regarding pay for Mayor and Council to remain unpaid. Both are unpaid.
- Motion by Jimbo Quick to suspend the rules and vote on Ordinance #7, 2nd by Donald Gunter.
- Mayor called for roll call vote.
Mayor Bates – yes, Donald Gunter – yes, Jimbo Quick – Yes, Matthew Blair – yes, Don Bates – yes, Bud Reed – yes. - Motion to accept Ordinance #7 by Don Bates, 2nd by Bud Reed.
- Mayor asked for roll call vote.
Mayor Bates – yes, Donald Gunter – yes, Jimbo Quick – Yes, Matthew Blair – yes, Don Bates – yes, Bud Reed – yes. - Approved payroll and invoices. Motion by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 6-0.
- Mayor presented invoice from Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce for renewal at $116.00 per year. Motion to renew by Jimbo Quick, 2nd by Bud Reed. Passed 6-0.
- Mayor informed council the Clerk’s last day would be November 13, 2019.
- Called special meeting for Monday November 25, 2019 for Clerks position. Currently it is 7-8 hours per week and will increase to 10 or 15 hours per week when Town Hall building in place. Meeting will be at 7:00pm at Berlin Community Center.
- Motion to adjourn by Donald Gunter, 2nd by Bud Reed.
- Next regular meeting will be December 16, 2019.